Northumberland Quiz (Round 1)

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Which town or city is the Administrative HQ for Northumberland?


Name the famous footballing brothers born in Ashington,  Northumberland in the 1930s.
Bobby and Jackie Charlton.


One of the islands lying off the coast of Northumberland is Holy Island but what is it also known as ?


What is the name of the defensive fortification which runs from the North Sea to the Irish Sea.
Hadrian’s Wall


Known as the ‘Father of Railways’ which Northumberland civil and mechanical engineering was born in 1781?
George Stephenson

Name the hill range which separates Northumberland and Scotland?
The Cheviots

Lord Alan James Beith represented Berwick on Tweed from 1973 to 2015 and was the longest serving MP for which political party?
Liberals / Liberal Democrats


The Alnwick by-pass diverts which major road around this market town?
The A1.