Famous Adam(s) Quiz Round
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

Adam Sandler saves his grandmother's house in this 1996 comedy
Happy Gilmore
Best known for his portrayal of the nightime superhero with his 'chirpy' sidekick in the 70's spoof action series
Adam West
Moved from Southampton to Liverpool for £25 million in 2014
Adam Lallana
Adam Richman is an author and actor but is best known for his eating challenges in which tv series
Man V. Food
Born Stuart Leslie Goddard he was the lead singer of the band whose first hit album was 'Kings of the Wild Frontier'
Adam Ant
This man was a Founding Father and second president of the USA
John Adams
Starred alongside Emily Blunt in the 2008 comedy drama, Sunshine Cleaning
Amy Adams
Born William James Adams Jr this singer, songwriter, rapper and record producer is better known as
Founding member and lead vocalist of Maroon 5 and currently a coach on the american version of 'The Voice'
Adam Levine
Considered 'the father of modern economics' and author of 'The Wealth of Nations', who was this 18th century moral philosopher
Adam Smith