Film Quiz Questions and Answers
Latest Quizzes
Free, printable film, movie and cinema quiz questions and answers with a UK focus.
Sometimes there's nothing better than settling in to a good movie and over the years that film buff knowledge begins to pile up - so why not put it to good use with one of our movie quiz questions rounds.
We've been writing movie quiz questions throughout 2020 and they can all be seen below. It's the complete archive. Feel free to dig in.
Our highlights include the film quotes quiz series which has grown to five rounds of fifty questions. There's also specialist rounds on actors and actresses such as Will Ferrell and Tom Hanks. Every Christmas, we add to our Christmas movie quizzes, too.
Good luck, and keep quizzing!

Missing Letters Round 4 (Halloween Films)

Films of the Noughties (Round 1)

90's Film Quiz (Round 1)

2003 Films Quiz (Round 1)

Film - Guess the Actor/Actress (Round 2)

Film - Guess the Actor/Actress (Round 1)

Halloween Film Quiz (Round 4)

Movie Trivia Quiz (Round 1)
How well do you know your movie trivia and not so well known movie facts?

May The Fourth (be with you)
A Star Wars tribute quiz to celebrate Star Wars Day

Movies Quiz (Year 2000)
Great films from the year 2000

Christmas Films Quiz (Round 1)
A Christmas quiz with questions on Bill Murray, Elf and Harry & Marv.

Christmas Films Quiz (Round 2)
A Christmas movies quiz with questions on John McClane, Scrooge and Bing Crosby.

1990s Movies Quiz (Round F)
A round of questions on 90's films that begin with the letter F

1990s Movies Quiz (Round E)
A round of questions on 90's films that begin with the letter E

1990s Movies Quiz (Round D)
A round of film questions about 90's films beginning with the letter D

1990s Movies Quiz (Round C)
A set of questions on movies from the '90s all beginning with 'C'

1990s Movie Quiz (Round B)
Let's continue a new series on Pub Quiz Questions HQ, with the second edition of the 1990s movies quiz.

1990s Movie Quiz (Round A)
Presenting a new series on Pub Quiz Questions HQ, the first round of our 1990s movies quiz.

TV and Film Quiz (Round 3)

1980s Movies Quiz (Round 3)