Christmas Quiz Questions and Answers
Latest Quizzes
Merry Christmas 2023! At Pub Quiz HQ, we love a Christmas quiz. Infact, this site began at Christmas 2015 when I was unable to find any suitable quiz questions for a family event online. Over the years, we've added to our collections of family Christmas quizzes and the list below contains the full archive.
We have festive music quizzes, carol quizzes, festive film quizzes, quizzes on our favourite Xmas food and drink and even some picture quizzes. Some are hard, some are easy, some are alternative but all are fun. Dig into the archives and test your Christmas general knowledge!
Our Christmas Days Advent series begins with the first day of Christmas and continues through each day of advent. In 2019, we wrote our first ready made Christmas quiz and will continue the tradition in 2023.
Thank you for visiting the site over the years and we wish you and your friends and family a wonderful Christmas!

Christmas No.1s Quiz (Round 1)

Ultimate Christmas Quiz Questions
25 tricky Christmas general knowledge teasers suitable for adults

British Christmas Quiz (Round 3)

British Christmas Quiz (Round 2)

British Christmas Quiz (Round 1)

Christmas Anagrams (Round 1)

Christmas Quiz (Round 1)
In the song ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’, how many ladies were dancing?

Christmas Anagrams Quiz (Round 3)

Christmas Anagrams Quiz (Round 2)

New Years Day Quiz (Round 1)
A New quiz for a New year

Christmas Adverts Quiz (Round 1)
Often memorable, how much do you know about the TV adverts of Christmas.

Christmas Films Quiz (Round 1)
A Christmas quiz with questions on Bill Murray, Elf and Harry & Marv.

Christmas Films Quiz (Round 2)
A Christmas movies quiz with questions on John McClane, Scrooge and Bing Crosby.

Christmas Food and Drink Quiz (Round 1)
A quiz about traditional festive food and drink from around the world.

Christmas Food and Drink Quiz (Round 2)
Another festive food and drink round covering festive treats and snacks.

Christmas Hits Music Quiz (Round 1)
Who wished it could be Christmas every day in the 70’s?

Christmas No.1s Quiz (Round 2)
Who was ‘Lonely This Christmas’ in 1974?

Christmas Quiz (Round 2)
The Christmas movie 'Miracle on 34th Street' is set in which city?

Christmas Quiz (Round 3)
If you were born on Christmas Day, what's your star sign?

Christmas Quiz (Round 4)
In the feature film Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie (1998), who was Cupid's son?

Christmas Quiz (Round 5)
Which European country presents Britain with a gift of a Christmas tree each year?