2016 in Movies (Round 2)
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

Which much anticipated film opened on December 2016 and stars Felicity Jones?
Rogue One
Starring Denzil Washington as Chisolm, this is the latest film rework based on the screenplay by Akira Kurosawa
The Magnificent Seven
Art gallery executive, played by Amy Adams, receives a book manuscript from her ex-husband which force her to confront some dark truths about herself, in which film by Tom Ford?
Nocturnal Animals
Who directed the film 'Sully: Miracle on the Hudson' starring Tom Hanks?
Clint Eastwood
Ben Affleck stars as a math savant who works for some of the world's most dangerous criminal organizations, in which film?
The Accountant
Who directed the film 'Snowden'
Oliver Stone
In the film 'The Jungle Book' released in the UK in April, which actor played the voice of Baloo?
Bill Murray
In the film Deadpool starring Ryan Reynolds, what is the name of Deadpool's alter ego?
Wade Wilson