Science Quiz Round 2
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

The first person to propose the theory that the earth rotated around the sun was Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BC. Who successfully revived this theory on his deathbed in 1543?
Nicholas Copernicus
What was the Manhattan Project?
The development of the Atomic Bomb
At what speed does light travel?
186,000 miles per second
Charles Darwin is remembered for his theory of evolution the data of which he gathered whilst on a 5 year expadition aboard which ship?
The Beagle
Known as 'the father of genetics' this Austrian monk discovered the basic principles of hereditary. What was his name?
Gregor Mendel
Double Nobel prize winning scientist and famous for her work on radioactivity. What is her name?
Marie Curie
What is the largest moon of Saturn called?
Ascorbic acid is a form of which vitamin?
The molecule DNA is described as having which shape?
Double helix
Percy Spencer invented which time saving kitchen appliance?
The Microwave cooker