Famous Georges Quiz Round
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American heartthrob actor who gained admirers in the Emergency Room but found fame as a 'nighttime' superhero in 1997, and whose career went out of this world in 2013.
George Clooney
A member of the 'fab four'
George Harrison
George Foreman fought Muhammad Ali for the heavyweight title in 1974. What was the fight popularly referred to as?
The Rumble in the Jungle
Born in Northern Ireland, this footballer was as renowned for his womanising and hard drinking as he was for his sporting prowess.
George Best
George Takei is principally know for playing which character?
Hikaru Sulu
Author whose works have been responsible for the terms - Big Brother, and Room 101, entering into language.
George Orwell
American composer whose most popular works include Rhapsody in Blue and the opera Porgy and Bess.
George Gershwin
George R.R.Martin is responsible for the hit series Game of Thrones the title of which came from the first book of his epic fantasy series. What is the full series of books called?
A Song of Ice and Fire
President of the United States between 1789–97
George Washington
George Alan O'Dowd is better known as?
Boy George