Food and Drink Quiz (Round 7)
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

What is done to a bagel that gives it the dense chewy consistency?
It is boiled in water for a short time before baking
A baguette is a long thin loaf of French bread, but what does the word Baguette mean in English?
Baton or wand
Bazlama is a single layered, flat, circular and leavened bread, from which country
Damper, a bread traditionally cooked in the coals of a camp fire, is from which country?
What is the name of the flat oven-baked Italian bread, similar in style and texture to pizza doughs?
Kulcha is a type of leavened bread originating where?
India and Pakistan
Which popular unleavened flatbread in India is made by baking whole wheat dough and is finished off by shallow frying?
What is a Pikelet a Scottish version of?