General Knowledge Quiz (Round 329)
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

1) When you take credit for someone else’s work you are said to steal their what?
2) Which American comedy show shares its name with an idea of how the universe began proposed by Georges Lemaitre
3) At 1748 sq miles, which is the largest of Britain’s National Parks?
4) The TV series Downton Abbey is set in which county?
5) What is the English equivalent to the term ‘janitor’ in america?
6) The Road to Wigan……what, is a book by George Orwell?
7) Situated on the South Bank between Hungerford and Westminster bridges, what has a diameter of 135 metres?
8) Which British physician and scientist developed a vaccination for smallpox in 1796?
9) The battle of Balaclava took place during which war?
10) In October 1969 the Archies had a UK No1 with which sweetly titled song?
1) When you take credit for someone else’s work you are said to steal their what?
2) Which American comedy show shares its name with an idea of how the universe began proposed by Georges Lemaitre
Big Bang Theory
3) At 1748 sq miles, which is the largest of Britain’s National Parks?
4) The TV series Downton Abbey is set in which county?
5) What is the English equivalent to the term ‘janitor’ in america?
6) The Road to Wigan……what, is a book by George Orwell?
7) Situated on the South Bank between Hungerford and Westminster bridges, what has a diameter of 135 metres?
London Eye
8) Which British physician and scientist developed a vaccination for smallpox in 1796?
Edward Jenner
9) The battle of Balaclava took place during which war?
Crimean war
10) In October 1969 the Archies had a UK No1 with which sweetly titled song?
Sugar Sugar