Anagrams Round 29 (Netflix Shows)

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A recent survey suggested that in 2020 over 40% of all UK households have access to a Netflix subscription - so why not include the following anagram round in your next family quiz.


We've taken the titles of six popular 2020 Netflix shows and turned them into anagrams, listed below.


If you're playing along on your own, here are the questions and the answers are provided below.




1) ace forceps


2) ashleigh tegmen


3) eels within


4) ached talents


5) annexion shift


6) eek forthright nettle





1) ace forceps

Answer: Space Force


2) ashleigh tegmen

Answer: The English Game


3) eels within

Answer: White Lines


4) ached talents
Answer: The Last Dance


5) annexion shift
Answer: Next in Fashion


6) eek forthright nettle
Answer: The Letter for the King


This is our 29th anagram round and within the full list you can find questions on a range of subjects including football clubs, Lord of the Rings characters, US states, Boxing greats and more.