It Happened in August (Round 3)
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

In august of which year were the Olympic Games held in Berlin?
In 1960 which city was declared to be the federal capital of Pakistan?
Born in August 1803, this man went on to become a gardener and architect and designed the Crystal Palace.
Joseph Paxton
What is the name of the author, born in August 1819, whose best known novel is Moby-Dick?
Herman Melville
The signing of the United States Declaration of Independence took place in august of which year?
Born in 1884, Henri Cornet, at aged 19 is the youngest ever winner of which endurance race?
Tour de France
In 1305 the leader of the Scottish resistance against England (made famous in the film 'Braveheart') was captured and ultimately executed. What was his name?
William Wallace
In 1620, which ship departed from Southampton, England on its first attempt to reach North America.
Born in 1862, Joseph Merrick became known as what due to his deformities?
Elephant Man
Who was the English actor who died in august 2000 famed for his roles in several Ealing comedies including 'The Lady Killers' and 'Kind Hearts and Coronets'
Alec Guinness