Jimmy Perry and David Croft (Round 38)

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The questions and answers within this quiz were verified and updated in July 2020.


What is a squirrels nest better known as?
A Drey


In 2001 this city changed its name to Kolkata. What was it previously called?


What is Campanology is the study and the act of?

Bell ringing


In which 1965 film did Omar Sharif play the title character?
Doctor Zhivago


What nationality was painter Edvard Munch?


Jimmy Perry and David Croft wrote which British sitcom?

Dad's Army


Boscobel in Jamaica has an airport named after which famous spy novel writer?
Sir Ian Fleming


Which Prime Minister is regarded as being the father of the modern British Police force?
Sir Robert Peel


In which year was the English football league founded?


Between which 2 planets does the Asteroid Belt lie?
Mars and Jupiter