Lincolnshire Quiz (Round 1)
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

Margaret Hilda Roberts was born on 13th October 1925 in which Lincolnshire town?
Born in Woolsthorpe Lincolnshire, name this physicist and mathematician, possibly the greatest scientist of all time.
Sir Isaac Newton.
Blundell Park, Cleethorpes is home to which football team?
Grimsby Town.
Which British holiday company opened it’s first resort in Skegness in 1936?
Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research engages in research into what?
The potato.
What is the Boston Stump?
It is the extremely tall tower of St. Botolph’s Church, said to be the largest parish church in England.
On 27th February 2008, Lincolnshire was shaken by what?
An earthquake reaching 5.3 on the Richter Scale.
What are the Lincolnshire Wolds?
An area of rolling hills in the North East of the County which is also An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.