Soul Music Quiz (Round 2)
Pub Quiz Questions HQ

Fontella Bass is best known for which 1965 hit?
Rescue Me.
Who was known as ‘The Queen of Soul’?
Aretha Franklin.
Smokey Robinson was the lead singer of which group?
The Miracles.
Jimmy Ruffin had 2 singles in the charts in 1966. ‘I’ve passed this way before’ was one, what was the other?
What becomes of the broken hearted.
Which male singer sang ‘Where did our love go and ‘Little Piece of Leather’?
Donnie Elbert
Sugar pie honey bunch is the opening line to which 4 Tops song?
I can’t help myself.
Needle in a haystack, was a Motown hit for which female group?
The Velvelettes.
Band of Gold was a hit record in 1970 for which artist?
Freda Payne