Famous People Quiz Questions with Answers
Latest Quizzes
Free, printable celebrity quiz questions and answers with a UK focus.

Birthdays of the Famous (September - Round 1)

Born on the Fourth of July Quiz (Round 1)

Gone but not forgotten 2022 (Round 2)

Gone but not forgotten 2022 (Round 1)

Birthdays of the Famous - April Fools Edition (April - Round 1)

Film - Guess the Actor/Actress (Round 1)

Birthdays of the Famous (March - Round 1)

Birthdays of the famous - February (Round 1)

Stage Names Quiz (Round 2)

Gone but not forgotten 2021 (Round 2)

Gone but not forgotten 2021 (Round 1)

Birthdays of the Famous - November (Round 1)

Birthdays of the Famous (October - Round 1)

Birthdays of the Famous (August - Round 1)

US Presidents Quiz (Round 1)
Which President was born in Hope?

Birthdays of the Famous (July - Round 1)

Birthdays of the Famous (June - Round 1)

Birthdays of the Famous (May - Round 2)

Birthdays of the Famous (May - Round 1)

Birthdays of the Famous (April - Round 1)
Can you work out who are these well known personalities and famous people who have a birthday in April.

Comedians Quiz (Round 1)
Hopefully this quiz will put a smile on your face in the run up to Christmas